
Pittosporum tenuifolium

A large, broadly columnar evergreen shrub with slender, dark shoots. Leaves rounded, glossy light green, with wavy margins. Small, honey-scented deep purple flowers open in clusters in late spring and...

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Pittosporum tobira

A dense, broad, slow-growing medium-sized evergreen shrub with leathery, glossy leaves. Scented white flowers in late spring and early summer

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Potentilla Goldfinger

A bushy, upright, deciduous shrub with small pinnate leaves and bright yellow flowers in summer and early autumn

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Potentilla Katherine Dykes

An upright deciduous shrub with small, pinnate leaves and canary-yellow flowers from late spring to mid autumn

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Potentilla Lovely Pink

A bushy deciduous shrub of upright growth, with small, pinnate leaves and deep pink flowers in summer and early autumn

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Potentilla Vilmoriniana

An upright deciduous shrub with silvery-silky leaves and yellow-centred cream flowers from early summer to mid autumn

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Prostranthera Poorinda Ballerina

An upright, evergreen shrub with dark-green, mint-scented, spiny leaves. In late spring to early summer, it bears a profusion of pale-lilac, orchid-like flowers.

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Prunus lau. Marbled White

An upright, evergreen shrub with large glossy, marble-like variegated dark green and white leaves, and white flowers in spring. Cherry red berries in autumn.

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Prunus lau. Otto. Luyken

A spreading medium-sized evergreen shrub of dense, low growth, with narrow, glossy dark green leaves. Flowers small, white in erect racemes. Cherry red/black berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Prunus Laurocerasus

A vigorous, large, spreading evergreen shrub with handsome, glossy dark green leaves. Small white flowers in erect racemes followed by cherry-like glossy red fruits soon turning black

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Posted: 6 February 2016