Lophomyrtus obcordata
A slow growing slender shrub with white flowers in summer and red berries in autumn.
Posted: 6 February 2016
Lophomyrtus x ralphii Little star
A low, spreading evergreen shrub with rounded green leaves that have pink-flushed, cream margins. From late summer to early autumn, it produces fragrant, white flowers.
Posted: 6 February 2016
Lophomyrtus x ralphii multicolour
Pretty small leaf with creamy green/grey variegation. Flowers white with many stamens.
Posted: 6 February 2016
Loropetalum chi. Firedance
Evergreen shrub provides an eye-catching display of glossy purplish-red leaves and dark pink flowers Full sun or partial shade. Sand , chalk or loam soil. Well drained or moist but well...
Posted: 6 February 2016
Loropetalum chi. Rubrum Blush
A compact evergreen shrub that produces bronze-red new growth, and with age the leaves turn olive green. The frilly pink flowers bloom through out the year, peaking in April.
Posted: 6 February 2016
Magnolia delavayi
A dense, rounded, evergreen shrub or tree with ovate to oblong, leathery, dark green leaves and large, short-lived, cup-shaped, creamy or yellowish-white flowers in late summer.
Posted: 6 February 2016
Magnolia soulangeana
A spreading deciduous tree or large shrub, with obovate leaves and white, pink or purple, goblet-shaped flowers in spring
Posted: 6 February 2016
Magnolia Stellata
A slow-growing medium-sized deciduous shrub of broadly rounded habit. Leaves narrowly obovate. Flowers white in early spring
Posted: 6 February 2016
Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star
A rounded deciduous shrub with pale pink buds opening in early spring to white flowers
Posted: 6 February 2016
Mahonia Charity
An upright evergreen shrub with pinnate leaves. Small, cup-shaped yellow flowers in late autumn and winter
Posted: 6 February 2016