
Vitis Brant

A large deciduous climber with deeply lobed leaves turning deep red in autumn. Insignificant flowers followed by small black grapes

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Vitis vin. Purpurea

A vigorous large tendril-climber with deeply-lobed leaves purple in summer, deepening in late summer and crimson-tinted in autumn. Insignificant greenish flowers followed by deep purple grapes

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Wisteria flo. Black Dragon

A deciduous vine with green, compound leaves. In late spring it has long racemes of beautiful drooping flowers

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Wisteria flo. Honbeni

A large, strong-growing deciduous, twining climber with dark green, pinnate leaves. Fragrant, pale rose flowers tipped with purple

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Abelia floribunda

A bushy evergreen shrub, producing masses of bright cerise-pink tubular flowers in summer against a background of glossy green leaves. It is not fully hardy, but copes with frosty conditions...

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Abelia grandiflora

A medium-sized semi-evergreen shrub with arching branches, bearing small glossy oval leaves and clusters of pale pink, slightly fragrant flowers over a long period from mid-summer to autumn Full sun....

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Abelia Triflora

A large shrub or tree with small dark green leaves and in Summer produces masses of highly fragrant pink tinged white flowers which are carried in clusters at the tips....

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Abutilon Kentish bell

A compact, semi-evergreen shrub with arching shoots and three-lobed, triangular-ovate leaves. Flowers bell-shaped, with orange-yellow petals and dark red calyx Full sun. Loam, sand soil. Well drained soil. Height 1.5-2.5m....

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Acacia baileyana

A large, graceful evergreen shrub to 6m in height, with fern-like, silvery-grey leaves and axillary racemes of small, globose yellow flowerheads in winter and spring Full sun. Sand or loam soil....

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Acacia baileyana Purprea

Small tree or large shrub with graceful, fern-like leaves tinted purple and deep purple-red young shoots. From winter to spring, fluffy yellow flowers are produced. Full sun. Sand or loam soil....

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Posted: 6 February 2016