
Carpentaria Ladham’s Variety

Lance-shaped glossy green leaves. White scented flowers. Full sun. All soil types. Moist well drained soil. Maximum height 2m. Maximum spread 2m. Time to maximum height 5-10 years.

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Posted: 24 May 2019

Callistemon Perth Pink

Lance shaped, aromatic lemon scented leaves. Flowers produced in spikes. Full sun. All soil types. Well-drained soil. Maximum height 1.5m. Maximum spread 1.5m.

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Posted: 24 May 2019

Buddleja Buzz Magenta

Grey-green leaves. Purplish-red flowers. Full sun. Sand, chalk, loam soil. Moist but well drained soil. Maximum height 1-1.5m. Maximum spread 1-1.5m.  Time to maximum height 2-5 years.

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Posted: 24 May 2019

Berberis thu.Lutin Rouge

Bright red leaves Full sun or partial shade. All soil types. Well drained soil. Maximum height 0.45m. Maximum spread 0.25m.

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Posted: 24 May 2019

Berberis thu.Atropurpurea

Deep reddish-purple leaves. Red-tinged pale  yellow flowers. Full sun or partial shade. All soil types. Well-drained or moist but well drained soil. Maximum height  1-1.5m. Maximum spread 1-1.5m. Time to maximum height...

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Posted: 24 May 2019

Ophiopogon Green

Arching, narrowly strap-shaped, leathery green leaves. Clusters of small, fragrant, daisy-like, cream flowers. Full sun. All soil types. Well-drained. Maximum height 2m. Maximum spread2m. Time to full growth 10-20years.

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Posted: 24 May 2019

Calamagrostis Karl Foerster

Flat, arching leaves. Bronze flowering panicles that fade to pale brown. Full sun or partial shade. All soil types. Well drained or moist but well drained soil. Maximum height 1-1.5m. Maximum spread...

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Posted: 24 May 2019

Phormium Platts Black

Rich, dark purple-black foliage. Flower red in autumn. Partial shade or full sun. Sand and Loam soils. Well-drained or moist but well-drained. Maximum height 1m. Maximum spread 1m. Time to full growth...

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Posted: 24 May 2019

Phormium Tenax

Leathery, dark grey-green strap-shaped leaves. Tubular, dull red flowers. Full sun or partial shade. Loam and Sand soils. Well-drained or moist but well-drained. Maximum height 2.5-4m. Maximum spread 1.5-2.5m. Time to maximum...

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Posted: 24 May 2019

Epimedium Rubrum

Attractive red tinted young foliage with crimson flowers with creamy-yellow spurs in Spring. Partial shade. Sand, chalk or loam soil. Moist but well drained soil. Maximum height 0.1-0.5m. Maximum spread...

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Posted: 24 May 2019