
Leucothoe font. Scarletta

A compact shrub with vivid scarlett leaves in autumn. White-cream racemes of flowers

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Leycesteria formosa

A vigorous deciduous shrub with erect sea-green stems. Ovate leaves and pendulous racemes of white flowers with showy red-purple bracts, followed by deep purple berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ligustrum ova. Aurea

A dense, large semi-evergreen shrub of erect habit with oval, rich yellow leaves sometimes marked green in the centre. Flowers small, dull white, in small panicles. Fruit a small glossy...

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ligustrum ovalifolium

A dense, large semi-evergreen shrub of erect habit with oval, green leaves. Flowers small, dull white, in small panicles. Small glossy black berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ligustrum vulgare

A bushy semi-evergreen shrub with dull green, lance-shaped leaves and terminal panicles of small, white, flowers in summer, followed by small black berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016


A deciduous tree, broadly conical in outline, with rather glossy, maple-like, 5 to 7-lobed leaves which turn to shades of orange, crimson and purple in autumn

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Lithodora diffusa Heavenly Blue

A prostrate evergreen shrub forming a wide mat, with small, hairy leaves and abundant, vivid deep blue flowers 12mm in width

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Lonicera fragrantissima

A bushy deciduous shrub with simple, ovate leaves, and pairs of very fragrant, 2-lipped cream flowers in winter and early spring

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Lonicera nit. Baggesens Gold

A small dense evergreen shrub with tiny, ovate, yellow leaves becoming greenish-yellow in shade. Insignificant flowers followed by pale violet berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Lonicera nitida

A twiggy shrub with small, glossy, dark green leaves. It makes a good alternative to box as it's fast growing and can be tightly clipped into small hedges.

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Posted: 6 February 2016