
Myrtus Luma apiculata

A large evergreen shrub, the older branches with a cinnamon-cream-coloured bark. Leaves small, broadly ovate and aromatic. White flowers and purple berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Myrtus com. subsp. tarentina

A small evergreen shrub of dense growth, with small, narrowly ovate leaves, and pink buds opening to white flowers followed by white berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Myrtus communis

A bushy medium-sized evergreen shrub with small, aromatic, ovate leaves and profuse white flowers followed by purplish-black berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Myrtus luma api. Glanleam Gold

An evergreen shrub to 3m, with attractively peeling, cinnamon-coloured bark and neat, cream-margined elliptic leaves, tinged pink when young. Small white flowers in late summer and autumn

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Nandina dom. Fire Power

A compact, upright evergreen shrub with compound leaves which are yellowish-green in summer, becoming orange and red in autumn and winter. Flowers small, white, in conical panicles in summer

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Nandina domestica

An elegant small evergreen shrub of upright, bamboo-like habit, the compound leaves with lanceolate leaflets, purplish when young and again in winter. Small white flowers in large panicles are followed...

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Olea europaea

Narrowly obovate or oval, long, leathery olive, grey-green leaves and tiny white flowers. Full sun. All soil types. Well-drained. Maximum height 4-8m. Maximum spread 1.5-2.5m. Time to maximum height 20-50years.

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Olearia capiliaris

Evergreen, highly branched, medium, round shrub. Ovate, slightly toothed leaves White flowers in clusters around June

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Olearia fragrantissima

Wiry stemmed shrub. Small scented yellow/green flowers

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Olearia macrodonta

A vigorous medium-sized evergreen shrub with spiny-toothed, ovate, grey-green leaves, white-felted beneath. Small, fragrant white flowers are borne in large clusters in summer

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Posted: 6 February 2016