
Ilex aqu. JC Van Tol (F)

A small evergreen tree or shrub of open habit with purple young shoots. Leaves ovate, almost spineless, glossy dark green. Small white flowers and large, abundant red berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ilex aqu. Madame Briot (F)

A bushy small evergreen tree with purple young stems the leaves are broadly ovate and spiny with a bold, golden-yellow margin. It  has small white flowers and bright red berries in autumn....

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ilex aqu. Montrosa (M)

Unusual dense, very spiny holly. Bright green stems

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ilex aqu. Scotica (F)

Distinct green spineless variety with twisted leaves and red berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ilex crenata (F)

A hardy japanese holly with tiny leaves that makes a good box like hedge.

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ilex cre. Dark Green

A slow-growing evergreen shrub with rich dark green leaves and a compact habit may produce black berries in late autumn.

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ilex cre. Convexa (F)

A very hardy japanese holly with small brght green box like leaves.

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ilex cre. Fastigiata (F)

A very narrow japanese holly with small dark green leaves

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ilex cre. Golden Gem (F)

A low-growing, compact dwarf evergreen shrub of spreading habit with small, golden yellow leaves. Flowers and fruits sparingly produced

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Posted: 6 February 2016

Ilex mes. Blue Prince (M)

Excellent evergreen hedging holly, with extremely dense habit, purplish shoots bearing glossy, dark blue-green leaves. Tiny white flowers over a long period followed by masses of brilliant red berries

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Posted: 6 February 2016