
Azara microphylla Variegata

Small glossy variegated leaves and scented flowers. Full sun. Humus rich soil. Moist well drained soil. Maximum height 10m.  Maximum spread 4m. Time to maximum height 20-50 years.

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Posted: 19 June 2019

Athyrium Okanum

Arching triangular leaves with burgundy stems. Partial or full shade. Sand or clay soil. Average, moist soil. Maximum height 0.3-0.5m. Maximum spread 0.3-0.45m

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Posted: 19 June 2019

Athyrium niponicum Pictum

Lance-shaped bi-pinnate grey fronds, with paler midribs and a purple centre. Full shade or partial shade. Sand, clay or loam soil. Moist but well drained soil. Maximum height 0.1 - 0.5m....

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Posted: 19 June 2019

Astrantia Major Venice

Pincushion shaped wine red flowers, midsized and good for borders or containers. Full sun or partial shade. Sandy or clay soil. Average or moist soil. Maximum height 0.5-0.6m. Maximum spread...

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Posted: 19 June 2019

Astilbe Key West

Deep burgundy leaves with pink plumes. Full sun or partial shade. Clay or loam soil. Poorly drained or moist but well drained soil. Maximum height 0.1-0.5m. Maximum spread 0.1-0.5m. Time to maximum height 2-5...

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Posted: 19 June 2019

Armeria Morning Star

Deep green grassy leaves with white pom pom like flowers. Full sun or partial shade. Loam or sandy soil. Moist but well drained soil.   Maximum height 0.1m. Maximum spread 0.2m

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Posted: 19 June 2019

Aquilegia Black Barlow

Grey-green divided leaves and deep purple flowers. Full sun or partial shade. All soil types. Moist but well drained soil. Maximum height 0.5-1m.  Maximum spread 0.1-0.5m Time to maximumj height 2-5 years.

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Posted: 19 June 2019

Anemone Honorine Jobert

Dark divided leaves and pure white flowers. Full sun or partial shade. All soil types. Moist but well drained soil. Maximum height 1-1.5m.  Maximum width 0.5-1m Time to maximum height 2-5 years.

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Posted: 19 June 2019

Anemone Snow Angel

Attractive mid green foliage with semi-double white flowers and golden yellow stamens from August to October. Partial Shade. Most good soils. Well drained soil. Maximum height 0.5m. Maximum spread 0.45m.

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Posted: 19 June 2019

Anemone Fantasy Pocohontas

A dwarf variety with soft pink flowers from May to Septmebr with mid green foliage. Full sun or partial shade. Loam soil. Well drained soil. Maximum height 0.4m. Maximum spread...

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Posted: 19 June 2019